BBQ and hot weather safety tips                                  

As we embrace the sunshine and look forward to summer festivities, it’s essential to keep in mind the well-being of our adorable furry friends. This article equips you with some crucial safety pointers from Registered Vet Nurses to ensure your pet stays healthy and safe during those scorching hot days and fun-filled BBQ events. From ensuring your pet gets adequate water, providing shade, and cooling measures to prevent heat stroke, to various BBQ safety measures concerning food and harmful objects, we’ve got you and your pet covered. It’s all about making sure you and your pet can enjoy the summer season without worry!

BBQ and

What could match the joy of a backyard barbeque on a hot summer day, right? But not too fast. Before you fire up the grill, ensure you have factored in some crucial safety considerations. Summer heat can have potentially fatal impacts, especially on pets and young kids. In the spirit of helping you enjoy summer's bounties fully and still stay safe, we offer you these hot weather and BBQ safety tips largely authored by our experienced Registered Vet Nurses.

Tips for when it gets warm

Keeping cool in stifling heat is no easy feat. It makes for lethargy and laziness in humans and pets alike. Here are a reem of measures you can take to ensure everyone in your household stays safe and comfortable.

Make sure there is always adequate water intake

Dehydration is a common risk during summer. Whether human or pet, make sure all members of your family have unlimited access to a fresh supply of water at all times.

Provide adequate ventilation

Enclosed areas without good flow of air could quickly turn into an oven in extreme heat. Be on the lookout for enclosed areas where your pets spend a lot of time, like dog houses. Make sure rooms are also well-aired.

Monitor the temperature of pavement

You might be shocked to find out just how fast asphalt and concrete can heat up under the glaring summer sun. When the pavement looks or feels too hot to the touch, avoid walking your dogs on it as it might be hard for them too.

Watch out for early signs of heat-stroke

Heat strokes is a serious risk that could come with fatal consequences. They are mainly characterized by heavy panting, restlessness and lack of coordination.

Reschedule your walks

Can your walk wait until later in the evening? Or is it possible to do it earlier in the morning? Taking such measures to avoid the scorching noonday sun will go a long way in safeguarding your pet's health.

Act when you suspect a heat related condition

Pets under heat stress should be quickly moved to a cool place and given lots of water. In such situations, it'd be advisable to seek immediate professional advice from a vet.

Apply flea and tick treatment

Fleas and ticks love the warm weather and they could become a nuisance during summer. Ensure your pets are under up-to-date flea and tick treatment to avoid funny skin conditions.

Don’t leave your dog in the car

Even when under the shade or with a slightly wound down window, the car could heat up to extremely high temperatures making it unbearable for a pet to live in it.

Bbq And Hot Weather Safety Tips                                  

BBW Safety

BBQ safety is another aspect of summer safety you need to pay attention to. Here's how to stay on the safe side.

Educate your guests about

A dog's digestive tract is not designed to handle your greasy burgers and oily sausages. Greasy food could upset the dog's tummy and occasionally lead to severe conditions like pancreatitis.

Watch out for hot food closeness to the pets

Hot food and pets aren't best of friends. A dog may, in its curiosity, jump up and snatch hot food off the grill, potentially harming itself in the process.

Keep rubbish out of pet’s reach

Spoiled food that's been out in the sun can pose health risks to your pets. Make sure your pets do not have access to your rubbish. Put your trash in sealed disposal containers.

Be aware of corn on the cob risks

Unfortunately, a whole cob of corn isn't properly digested by many pets. This may lead to intestinal blockages that need surgery to rectify.

Kebab skewers are dangerous

You never know when a dog might ingest a kebab skewer. Such skewers could puncture body tissues or organs, often leading to the need for extensive surgical intervention.

In conclusion, barbeques are an integral part of summer, and you don't have to stop enjoying them due to safety concerns. Employing the above safety tips will help ensure a positive and injury-free experience. Likewise, paying attention to these hot weather safety tips will ensure everyone, including your pets, survives and enjoys summer.

Bbq And Hot Weather Safety Tips                                  


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