Does Your Cat Act More Human Than Animal? It May Not Be Your Imagination

Does Your Cat Act More Human Than Animal It May Not Be Your Imagination 3

Have you ever thought that your cat behaves more like a human than an animal? Well, it turns out that you're not alone. A team of researchers in Australia has discovered that cats exhibit five personality traits that are surprisingly similar to those of humans. Skittishness, outgoingness, dominance, spontaneity, and friendliness are the “Feline Five” factors that determine a cat's personality. This knowledge can be useful for cat owners looking to improve their relationships with their furry friends. Furthermore, the researchers found that indoor cats tend to be friendlier than their outdoor counterparts, debunking the notion that keeping cats indoors has a negative impact on their personalities. If you're curious to learn more about cat behavior and how to create a stress-free environment for your feline companion, read on!

Does Your Cat Act More Human Than Animal? It May Not Be Your Imagination

The ‘Feline Five' Personality Traits

Cats are more than just adorable furballs; they have their own unique personalities. Research conducted by the Discovery Circle in Australia has identified five feline personality traits that are remarkably similar to human traits. These traits include skittishness, outgoingness, dominance, spontaneity, and friendliness.

The Kitty Personality Tests

The study involved over 3,000 cat personality tests as part of the Cat Tracker project. This project aims to monitor the movement and behavior of cats, providing insights into their daily lives. The researchers modified an existing questionnaire used with captive wildcats and shelter cats, adapting it for a large population of domestic cats. Their analysis resulted in the identification of the five key personality traits.


Skittishness is similar to neuroticism in humans. Cats with high skittishness scores often display anxious and fearful behavior towards other cats and humans. On the other hand, cats with low skittishness scores tend to be calm and trusting. To create a comfortable environment for skittish cats, it is important to provide plenty of hiding spots and minimize stressors.


Outgoingness is akin to extroversion in humans. Cats with high outgoingness scores are curious and active, while cats with low scores may exhibit more resigned behavior. Outgoing cats benefit from interactive toys, playtime, and other efforts to enrich their environment. It's important to note that cats with low outgoingness scores may be showing signs of aging or health-related issues.


The trait of dominance in cats can vary greatly. Cats with high dominance scores tend to be and may exhibit bullying behavior towards other cats. On the other hand, cats with low dominance scores are more submissive and friendly. When considering adding a new cat to the household, it is crucial to take into account the dominance score of the resident cat to ensure compatibility.


Spontaneity reflects a cat's level of impulsiveness and unpredictability. Cats with high spontaneity scores can be impulsive and erratic, often due to a stressful environment. Cats with low spontaneity scores are typically more predictable and reserved. It is important to identify and address potential stressors in a cat's environment to create a more serene lifestyle.

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Friendliness in cats refers to their approachability and affection towards people. Cats with high friendliness scores adjust well to both human and animal members of the household. However, cats with low friendliness scores may be loners or poorly socialized. If a friendly cat suddenly becomes aloof or hostile, a visit to the veterinarian is recommended to rule out any underlying illnesses or pain.

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The five feline personality traits identified in the study have some overlap with the “Big Five” human personality traits. Skittishness aligns with neuroticism, outgoingness with extroversion, and friendliness with agreeableness.

However, dominance and spontaneity are unique traits in cats. Cats with high dominance scores tend to exhibit aggressive behavior towards other cats, while cats with low dominance scores are submissive and friendly. If you have a cat with a high dominance score, it's important to consider the potential impact on adding another cat to the household.

Implications for Cat Guardians

Understanding your cat's personality traits can help improve the relationship between you and your furry friend. By recognizing their specific tendencies, you can create an environment that suits their needs and preferences. For example, if your cat scores low on dominance, they may be more adaptable to living with other cats. Additionally, knowing your cat's spontaneity level can help identify potential stressors and create a more comfortable living space for them.

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A cat's spontaneity score can provide valuable insights into their behavior and well-being. Cats with high spontaneity scores tend to be impulsive and erratic, often due to a stressful environment. It's important to recognize the factors that might be causing stress in your cat's life, such as noisy environments, aggression among household members, poor-quality diet, competition during mealtime, and social isolation.

High Spontaneity Score

If your cat has a high spontaneity score, it may be beneficial to focus on reducing stressors and providing a calm and predictable environment. Sensory stress reduction techniques, such as creating safe hiding spots and implementing a routine, can help alleviate their impulsive behavior.

Low Spontaneity Score

Cats with low spontaneity scores are typically well-adjusted to a less stressful environment with consistent daily routines. It's important to maintain this stability to ensure their continued well-being and contentment.

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While cats are generally known for their independent nature, their outgoingness and friendliness towards humans play a significant role in their overall behavior. Outgoing cats are curious and active, whereas cats with low outgoingness scores may exhibit more resigned behavior, which may be a result of aging or health-related issues.

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Outgoingness and Friendliness

Outgoing cats benefit from interactive toys, playtime, and an enriched environment. On the other hand, friendly cats are approachable and affectionate with people. They tend to adjust well to other members of the household. However, if a friendly cat suddenly becomes aloof or hostile, it's essential to consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.

Enriching the Environment for Outgoing Cats

To cater to the needs of outgoing cats, provide plenty of mental and physical stimulation, such as interactive toys, scratching posts, and regular play sessions. This helps keep them engaged and satisfied, reducing the chances of them becoming aimless or quitting.

Possible Health Issues

Changes in behavior, especially if they are out of character for your cat, can be an indicator of underlying health issues. If you notice sudden shifts in their outgoingness or friendliness, it's crucial to seek advice to ensure their well-being.

Does Your Cat Act More Human Than Animal? It May Not Be Your Imagination

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Skittishness is a personality trait that reflects a cat's anxiety and fearfulness in response to other cats and humans. Cats with high skittishness scores often require additional support and environmental adjustments to help them feel more comfortable and confident.

Caring for Skittish Cats

To create a safe environment for skittish cats, provide hiding spots around the home where they can retreat when they feel overwhelmed. Additionally, minimizing stressors, such as loud noises or situations that may provoke anxiety, can significantly improve their well-being. Patience and gradual exposure to new experiences can also help skittish cats build trust and reduce their anxiety over time.

Cat Tracker Project

The Cat Tracker project aims to monitor the movement and behavior of cats, providing insights into their daily lives and habits. By collecting data from participating cat guardians, researchers can gain valuable information about cat personalities and their interactions with the environment.

Monitoring the Movement and Behavior of Cats

Through the use of GPS trackers, the Cat Tracker project collects data on where cats go, what they eat, and what they bring home microbially. This data helps researchers understand how cats navigate their surroundings and interact with their environment.

Mission of the Cat Tracker Project

The Cat Tracker project seeks to uncover the mysteries of cat behavior, especially for outdoor cats. By understanding their movement patterns and behaviors, researchers hope to gain insights into the impact of the outdoor environment on cats' well-being.

The Development of the Kitty Personality Tests

As part of the Cat Tracker project, researchers developed personality tests specifically designed for cats. These tests, based on modified questionnaires used with captive wildcats and shelter cats, provide valuable insights into the feline personality traits of skittishness, outgoingness, dominance, spontaneity, and friendliness.

Does Your Cat Act More Human Than Animal? It May Not Be Your Imagination

The Impact of Indoor and Outdoor Environments

The Cat Tracker project has shed light on the differences in friendliness between indoor and outdoor cats. Contrary to common concerns, the study found that indoor cats tend to be slightly friendlier than their outdoor counterparts. This finding is reassuring for those who choose to keep their cats indoors.

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Friendliness of Indoor and Outdoor Cats

The study revealed that indoor cats scored slightly higher in friendliness compared to outdoor cats. While outdoor cats still exhibit friendly behavior, the subtle difference suggests that keeping cats indoors does not negatively impact their personality traits.

Benefits and Concerns of Indoor Cats

Keeping cats indoors offers several benefits, including protection from dangers such as traffic or other , reduced risk of contracting diseases, and increased lifespan. However, it's important to provide indoor cats with environmental enrichment, such as toys, scratching posts, and interaction with their human companions, to maintain their overall well-being.

Stressors That Affect Cats

Cats, like humans, can experience stress in various situations. Understanding the potential stressors that can affect cats' well-being is essential for cat guardians to create a stress-free environment.

Potential Stressors for Cats

Common stressors for cats can include noisy environments, aggression among household members (both human and animal), poor-quality diet, competition during mealtime, and social isolation. Identifying and minimizing these stressors can significantly improve a cat's quality of life.

Creating a Stress-free Environment for Cats

To reduce stress in your cat's environment, consider providing hiding spots, maintaining a predictable routine, and ensuring they have access to mental and physical stimulation. Offering a safe and calm environment can help alleviate stress and improve their overall well-being.

Does Your Cat Act More Human Than Animal? It May Not Be Your Imagination

Ongoing Cat Tracker Project

The Cat Tracker project is an ongoing effort to collect data and insights into cat behavior. Cat guardians are encouraged to participate in the project by completing surveys about their cats' personality traits and behaviors.

Participation and Survey

If you live in South Australia, you can participate in the Cat Tracker project by completing the online survey. The researchers aim to gather data from 500 South Australian cats. If you are in the United States, you can also take the cat personality survey from the Cat Tracker website.

Findings and Insights

The ongoing Cat Tracker project continues to provide valuable findings and insights into cat behavior. By analyzing the collected data, researchers can better understand the daily lives and interactions of cats, helping to improve their welfare and strengthen the bond between cats and their guardians.

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