FBA Shipment Creation for Amazon Sellers

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Welcome to your comprehensive guide on “FBA Shipment Creation for ”. As an Amazon seller, you understand the importance of having efficient logistics in place, and that's where FBA shipment creation comes in handy. This guide will help you streamline your shipment creation and product pricing process using tools such as Send to Amazon, Profit Bandit, and BuyBoxBuddy. Whether you want to make the most of Prime Day sales, or simply improve your everyday operations, this article will provide valuable insights to optimize your journey. Ever wondered about the most efficient way to sell on Amazon? An essential part of selling on Amazon is understanding FBA shipment creation. So why is it important, and how do you actually go about creating and managing your FBA shipments? This comprehensive guide will walk you through every step of the way, enabling you to make the most out of your selling experience on Amazon.

FBA and Amazon: A Winning Combination

You've probably heard of Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA). Essentially, FBA is Amazon's storage and delivery service. Once your products are stored in Amazon's fulfilment centers, Amazon takes over operations, handling everything from storage and delivery to customer service and returns. This frees you up to focus more on your business's crucial aspects like sourcing products or enhancing your marketing strategies.

The FBA service also offers a plethora of benefits such as access to Prime customers, thereby increasing your products' visibility and the potential for higher sales. FBA also allows your products to be stored and shipped worldwide, opening your business to an international customer base.

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However, to get your products to Amazon's fulfilment centers, you'll need to navigate FBA shipment creation. That's where “Send to Amazon” comes in.

What is Send to Amazon?

Send to Amazon (STA) is a shipment creation workflow within your Amazon Seller Central account. It's designed to speed up shipment processing, reducing the need for third-party software. An added advantage is that each SKU is labeled and accounted for, allowing Amazon to anticipate your deliveries efficiently.

The Benefits of Using Send to Amazon (STA)

Utilizing STA comes with several benefits that can streamline your logistics process and save you valuable time and money:

Time-Saving Templates

By creating reusable case pack templates for single-SKU boxes, you save a lot of time and eliminate repetitive data entry. Once these templates are set up, minor tweaks and adjustments are all that's needed for future shipments.

Efficient Packing Process

Knowing which box each unit belongs to can save you from the hassle of repackaging. With STA, you can pack both single and mixed-SKU boxes right from the start, based on Amazon's guidelines.


When you use STA, you can access discounted rates through Amazon Partnered Carriers. If you prefer to use your own carriers, you still have the liberty to compare rates and select the most cost-effective option for your business.

Fba Shipment Creation For Amazon Sellers

Creating an FBA Shipment with STA: Step by Step Guide

Step 1 – Start Creating Shipments

To start creating shipments using Send to Amazon, first, log in to Seller Central. In the Inventory tab, click on Shipments, followed by Send to Amazon. Follow the guided steps in the workflow to complete your shipment. At this stage, you select the address you're shipping from and the marketplace you're shipping to. If you're shipping from abroad, you'll have the option to select Amazon Global Logistics.

Step 2 – Packing your Products

In this step, Amazon groups SKUs based on their destination. You then pack individual or mixed-SKU boxes as per Amazon's guidelines and provide box content information. This information helps Amazon process your shipment quickly.

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Step 3 – Confirm Shipping Details

Here, you get to choose how your shipments are split across Amazon's fulfilment centers. These can be optimized by Amazon, partially split, or with minimal splits. After providing estimated shipping dates, you select whether you'll use a small parcel delivery (SPD) or a less than truckload pallet shipment (LTL).

Step 4 – Print Box Labels

After selecting your preferred shipping method and carrier, go ahead and print box labels for all small parcel shipments in the case of SPD. The size of the box and label you select should suit the shipment and carrier.

Step 5 – Confirm Carrier and Pallet Information

This last step is only applicable to pallet shipping (LTL). Here you provide the number of pallets and carrier information. If you're using Amazon Partnered Carriers, make sure to print and fix the pallet labels.

With these steps, you're well on your way to creating shipments through Send to Amazon. Getting a hold of this process is essential for streamlining your logistics and ensuring a smooth selling experience on Amazon. As you continue to sell your products, remember that timely and efficient delivery is part of providing excellent customer service, and STA is a great tool to help you achieve that.

To that end, Amazon also provides extensive resources to help sellers better understand and use the STA platform. You can read the comprehensive shipment creation post on their official blog or watch the Send Products to Amazon FBA playlist on their YouTube channel, Amazon Seller University.

Finally, never be afraid to ask for assistance when you need it. After all, your success on Amazon is good business for everyone.

Fba Shipment Creation For Amazon Sellers

Source: https://sellerengine.com/fba-shipment-creation-for-amazon-sellers/

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