Preparing your cat for a cattery

Preparing Your Cat For A Cattery 2 Scaled

Heading to the cattery with your feline friend for the first time can certainly feel daunting. That's why it's crucial to make sure you properly prepare your cat for the experience. This article offers handy tips on everything from beginning to prepare early and ensuring vaccinations are up to date, to packing home comforts and providing detailed care instructions. By taking these measures, you'll be on your way to ensuring a stress-free stay for your cat. Let's help your cat strut into the cattery with confidence!

Start preparing early

Just like you wouldn't leave the packing for a vacation until the last minute, you likewise must prepare your furry friend for their stay at the cattery in advance. It's recommended to start this process several weeks prior. One of the most crucial elements in this is the carrier or crate, which will serve as their home during their stay. To make this transition easier, gradually increase your cat's exposure to their carrier. For example, you can leave the carrier open in the house, put a comfy blanket inside, and occasionally add treats. This practice will help your cat associate the carrier with positive experiences and reduce stress during transport, making the move to cattery a lot smoother.


When it comes to catteries, each facility may have different requirements regarding vaccinations and preventatives that your cat needs to have. It's essential to contact your chosen cattery at least six weeks before your trip to confirm these requirements and ensure that your cat is up-to-date with all their injections. Proper vaccinations will protect them from potential illnesses and also safeguard other cats accommodated in the facility.

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Preparing Your Cat For A Cattery

Pack your Essentials

The necessary medications, food, and toys your cat loves should be the first things in your packing list. However, it can be a good idea to pack some familiar items from home, like a blanket or a clothing piece that has the smell of home on it. These familiar items can provide a sense of familiarity and security for your cat during their stay at the cattery.

Provide detailed instructions

Just like babysitters need instructions, the staff at the cattery will appreciate detailed instructions about your cat's routine, habits, and needs. Therefore, make sure to note down any specific feeding schedules and medication instructions, as well as behavioral quirks, likes, and dislikes of your cat. Pass on these details to the cattery staff to ensure your cat is treated exactly like they are at home.

Preparing Your Cat For A Cattery

Maintain Routine

Keeping your cat's daily routine consistent leading up to their stay at the cattery can help reduce their anxiety. As much as possible, stick to their regular feeding times, playtimes, and family interactions. Maintaining this familiarity can lessen stress and make the transition to the cattery a much easier process for them.

Pheromone Spray and Diffusers

Have you ever noticed that your cat rubs against items at home? While doing so, they release a group of ‘Feline Facial Pheromones.' Certain products replicate these pheromones, which can be sprayed on bedding or in their carrier. Using such sprays can help your cat feel like they are in a familiar place, encouraging them to behave as they usually would at home.

Preparing Your Cat For A Cattery

Visit kennel in advance

Taking the time to visit the cattery in person will give you a better sense of the environment your cat will be staying in. This visit can be a great opportunity to ask questions, check the facilities, and ensure that there are areas for them to hide or climb onto. Also, it's essential to ensure your cat isn't going to be placed facing other cats or dogs or in noisy areas.

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Communicate with the kennel staff

Clear with the cattery staff will help them take better care of your cat. Be sure to give all the necessary information and instructions about your cat's routines, alimentation, and care. This will not only give you peace of mind but also help make your cat's stay at the cattery as comfortable as possible.

Preparing for separation

Just like humans, cats can experience separation anxiety, especially if they haven't been away from home before. That's why it could be beneficial to introduce your cat to the cattery environment in small bouts before their extended stay. This way, they can become familiar with the area, reducing the shock of the new environment and teaching them that you'll return.

Post-stay care

After returning home from the cattery, your cat might experience a mix of emotions. Maintaining physical contact, providing reassurance, and surrounding them with familiar things can help them readapt. It's essential to observe their behavior closely, including eating, sleeping patterns, and general demeanor. Monitoring these aspects will help you quickly identify and address any issues that may arise following their stay at the cattery.

Preparing Your Cat For A Cattery


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