Understanding the Unusual Habits of Dogues De Bordeaux

Understanding The Unusual Habits Of Dogues De Bordeaux 1 Popspick.com

Get ready to step into the fascinating world of the Dogue de Bordeaux, also recognized as the French Mastiff. Historically a multipurpose breed with roles ranging from hunting to guarding, they now serve as cherished companions renowned for their loyalty and calmness. But there's so much more to these gentle giants! They exhibit fascinating, unusual habits that underscore their unique character and mirror their working heritage, which not only captivates but also strengthens the bond they hold with their keepers. This piece delves into seven of these distinctive habits inherent in the Dogue de Bordeaux, offering guidance on managing these endearing traits while providing insight into their enchanting behaviors.

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Profound Snoring

What is profound snoring?

Profound snoring is a loud, noticeable snoring habit that is commonly observed in certain , particularly those with short-nosed, brachycephalic facial structures like the Dogue de Bordeaux. It's more than just a minor nighttime noise; profound snoring is a distinct characteristic that stands out and due to their broad, short skulls, it can be surprisingly loud.

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Why Dogues De Bordeaux snore?

The reason behind Dogues De Bordeaux's profound snoring is their facial structure. Their broad, short skulls lead to restricted airways, resulting in noticeable snoring while they sleep. Despite the loudness, it's typically harmless but should be monitored to ensure it's not a sign of more serious breathing issues.

Management and monitoring of this trait

To manage and monitor this trait, try to maintain your Dogue at a healthy weight and provide a comfortable sleeping environment. Keeping the sleeping area cool can minimize their discomfort and enhance the quality of their sleep, lessening the severity of the snoring.

Excessive Drooling

Causes of excessive drooling

Drooling excessively, particularly after drinking water or around meal times is a well-known trait of the Dogue de Bordeaux. Their loose, fleshy lips and large jowls cause this salivation.

Managing the drooling problem

To manage this unique trait, always keep towels nearby to clean their mouths. Putting a drool mat near their food and water bowls is also recommended.

Importance of regular cleaning of facial wrinkles

Due to excessive drooling, it's vital for the health and hygiene of Dogues De Bordeaux to regularly clean their facial wrinkles. It prevents potential irritation or infection that can occur from moisture accumulation.

Understanding The Unusual Habits Of Dogues De Bordeaux

See The Understanding The Unusual Habits Of Dogues De Bordeaux In Detail.

Guarding Behavior

Historical significance of guarding behavior

The strong guarding instinct seen in Dogues De Bordeaux hails from their historical role as protectors. Protecting estates and livestock bred an inherent territorial nature in them.

Managing their territorial nature

It's essential to correctly socialize and train your Dogue from an early age to ensure these guarding instincts don't become issues in their interaction with humans and other .

Benefits of socialization and training

Encouraging positive interactions and exposing them to different environments and people promotes a balanced temperament, despite their naturally territorial nature.

Head Pressing Affection

Understanding the head pressing behavior

Head pressing is a unique affectionate behavior exhibited by Dogues De Bordeaux. It is a sign of trust and bonding, where they press their head against their owner or lean their weight onto them.

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How to guide this behavior without curbing their affection

Moderation is key. Teach them from a young age to limit the force of their affectionate head pressing. It can prevent any potential nuisance or safety concern, especially around children or elderly.

Safety considerations especially around children and elderly

Due to their size, Dogues De Bordeaux's affectionate behavior could unintentionally harm children or the elderly. Teaching your dog to be gentle with their head pressing and leaning can avert any safety hazards.

Heat Sensitivity

Reasons for their sensitivity to heat

The thick skin and dense muscle mass of Dogues De Bordeaux make them very sensitive to heat. conditions can lead to lethargy and discomfort.

Managing heat sensitivity in Dogues De Bordeaux

It is important to provide a cool environment for Dogues De Bordeaux and limit their exposure to hot conditions. Provide plenty of water and restrict on hotter days to prevent the risk of overheating.

The importance of a cool environment and limited exercise

A cool environment with plenty of water and shady areas, especially when outside, is vital. Limited exercise on warm days keeps them comfortable and safe from potential heatstroke.

Reluctance to Swim

Explaining their unusual reluctance to swim

Dogue de Bordeaux, unlike many large breeds, are usually reluctant to swim. This reluctance is attributed to their heavy build and dense bone structure, which restricts their swimming abilities.

Encouraging water exposure in safe environments

You may coax your Dogue de Bordeaux into water play in shallow, safe environments. These positive experiences with water can help them grow comfortable with it.

Safety measures while swimming

Safety is paramount during these water exposure sessions. Always ensure a controlled, safe environment for your Dogue to avoid any mishaps.

Understanding The Unusual Habits Of Dogues De Bordeaux

Emotional Sensitivity

Understanding their emotional sensitivity

Dogue de Bordeaux is known to be emotionally sensitive and acutely responsive to changes in the household mood. They can sense tension or sadness, which can make them stressed or anxious.

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Creating a suitable emotional environment for them

A stable and calm home environment is crucial. Positive reinforcement techniques can play a pivotal role in managing their emotional responses, making sure they're happy and balanced.

Techniques for managing their emotional responses

Positive reinforcement techniques that encourage desirable behavior can help manage their emotional responses. Training can ensure they remain stable and calm, even in changing environments.

High Patience and Tolerance

How Dogues De Bordeaux exhibit high patience

Despite their grandeur and strength, Dogues De Bordeaux show a high amount of patience. Their calm demeanor is a testament to this characteristic.

Reasons for their high tolerance

Their historical roles demanded a high tolerance level, which continues in the present breeds. They handle stimuli in their environment with an impressive amount of patience and tolerance.

Teaching young children how to interact gently with them

Teaching children to interact gently with Dogues De Bordeaux is essential. Dogues embody the saying that patience is a virtue – but children should understand their strength despite their patient nature.

Understanding The Unusual Habits Of Dogues De Bordeaux

Hypoallergenic Nature

Understanding their hypoallergenic nature

Dogue de Bordeaux is hypoallergenic in nature. Their skin and coat properties make them less likely to cause allergies.

Benefits for owners with allergies

Owing to their hypoallergenic nature, Dogues De Bordeaux are suitable for owners prone to allergies. It reduces the chance of allergic reactions, making them a popular choice.

How to properly maintain their skin and coat

Regular grooming, including timely bathing and coat brushing, is essential to maintain their hypoallergenic nature. Healthy skin and coat can prevent potential allergic responses.

Tendency to Sit on Foot

Why Dogues De Bordeaux commonly sit on feet

A peculiar trait of Dogues De Bordeaux is their tendency to sit on owner's feet. It's a sign of their affection and closeness.

Understanding this unusual behavior

This behavior suggests their innate longing for connection. It may be slightly uncomfortable, but it's a sign of their trustful bonding with their owner.

How owners can manage if this becomes a problem

If this becomes problematic, discouraging the behavior gently each time it happens would gradually break the pattern. Affection can be shown in many ways, so diverging this habit to others would maintain the bond minus any discomfort.

Check Out The Understanding The Unusual Habits Of Dogues De Bordeaux Here.

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