When You Buy Pet Food, Are You Being Pet Fooled?

When You Buy Pet Food Are You Being Pet Fooled Popspick.com

In the documentary “Pet Fooled,” filmmaker Kohl Harrington exposes the deceptive practices of the industry. Inspired by his co-producer's itchy dog, Harrington sets out to unravel the conflicting information surrounding pet diets. Over the course of six years, he interviews experts and confronts pet food companies, only to find that they are unwilling to address the concerns raised by pet owners. The documentary sheds light on the alarming lack of transparency in the industry, leaving viewers to question the quality and safety of the food they feed their pets.

When You Buy Pet Food, Are You Being Pet Fooled?

Table of Contents

Pet Fooled: A Documentary Exposing the Pet Food Industry

Background of the documentary

“Pet Fooled” is a feature documentary that sheds light on the pet food industry and the misleading practices used by pet food companies. The film was produced by Kohl Harrington, a filmmaker and pet owner himself, who was inspired to delve into the topic after his co-producer's dog developed allergies from its diet. The documentary took six years to create, with the first year dedicated to defining the problem and conducting extensive research on pet food.

The inspiration behind the film

The inspiration for “Pet Fooled” came from Michael Fossat, the co-producer of the documentary. His itchy dog led him to research grain-free pet food, which he found to be overwhelming due to conflicting information. This sparked their interest in uncovering the truth behind the pet food industry and inspired them to create a documentary to inform pet owners about the potential dangers associated with pet food.

Researching and defining the problem

During the initial year of research, the filmmakers encountered conflicting points of view on pet food. There were arguments both for and against certain ingredients, leaving pet owners confused and unsure about the best diet for their pets. Kohl and Michael wanted to investigate further and understand the underlying issue surrounding pet food, prompting them to dig deeper into research and interview pet food subject experts.

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Interviewing pet food subject experts

Kohl and Michael conducted interviews with around 15 pet food subject experts in and around Chicago. These experts provided insights into the pet food industry, various diets, and the impact of different ingredients on . By gathering information from professionals with differing points of view, the filmmakers aimed to present a comprehensive picture of the pet food industry.

Lack of cooperation from pet food companies

Despite their efforts, the filmmakers were unable to secure cooperation from pet food companies. Kohl reached out to multiple pet food industry representatives through phone calls, emails, and social media, but received limited responses. Hill's Science Diet was the only major company to leave a voicemail declining participation in the film. This lack of cooperation highlighted the industry's resistance to addressing public concerns and raised questions about the honesty and transparency of pet food companies.

Lack of Honesty and Transparency from Pet Food Companies

Pet food industry’s promotion of certain ideas

Kohl discovered that the pet food industry actively promoted certain ideas about pet food that were criticized by pet owners. Despite concerns surrounding ingredients like corn, companies insisted on their benefits without providing substantial evidence. This prompted Kohl to believe that pet food companies should have welcomed the opportunity to engage in discussions and explain their positions.

Attempts to contact pet food industry representatives

The filmmakers extensively tried to contact pet food industry representatives but faced difficulties in receiving responses. Kohl's attempts included calls, emails, messages, and social media contact, but pet food companies generally remained unresponsive. This lack of willingness to engage in dialogue with consumers and address their concerns raised questions about the integrity of the industry.

Response from Hill’s Science Diet

Hill's Science Diet, one of the major pet food companies, left a voicemail stating their refusal to participate in the documentary. This response further emphasized the industry's reluctance to engage with the public and address concerns raised by consumers. Kohl's experience with Hill's Science Diet added to his growing understanding of the lack of honesty and transparency within the pet food industry.

Pet food companies’ refusal to participate in the film

Overall, pet food companies showed a pervasive refusal to participate in the documentary. Despite being criticized for their product claims, the companies did not stand behind them, suggesting that they were not accountable for their practices. This lack of cooperation from the pet food industry served as a significant obstacle in highlighting the need for transparency and integrity in the industry.

Challenges in Understanding Pet Food Ingredients

Researching pet food ingredient labels

As part of the documentary, Kohl dived into researching pet food ingredient labels. He came across one of Dr. Becker's YouTube videos discussing ingredient labels, which he found concise and valuable due to its clarity and straightforwardness. Kohl's research involved examining the food industry's claims and understanding the impact of different ingredients on pets' health.

Interview with holistic veterinarian, Dr. Barbara Royal

Kohl's research also led him to an audio file of an interview with Dr. Barbara Royal, a holistic veterinarian and former president of the American Holistic Medical Association. Kohl appreciated Dr. Royal's honesty and upfront approach in discussing the pet food industry's practices and challenges. Dr. Royal's insights helped Kohl gain a deeper understanding of the issues surrounding pet food.

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Cherry picking information by the pet food industry

During his years of research and filmmaking, Kohl recognized a pattern of cherry picking information by the pet food industry. Companies selectively presented research findings that supported their claims, leading to a skewed representation of the benefits or drawbacks of specific ingredients. This practice further emphasized the need for transparency and accountability within the pet food industry.

Conflicting information and conditioning of consumers

The abundance of conflicting information surrounding pet food made it challenging for both the filmmakers and pet owners to make informed decisions. Cultural conditioning through advertising played a significant role in shaping consumer beliefs, often leading to a reliance on advertised products without questioning their quality or potential harm. The documentary aimed to address these challenges and encourage consumers to ask critical questions about the food they provide to their pets.

The Impact of Pet Food Recalls

Coverage of the 2007 melamine pet food recall

The documentary covers the 2007 melamine pet food recall, which exposed the dangers of contaminated pet food. Melamine, a toxic chemical, was found in pet food products, leading to illness and death in pets. The recall was a wake-up call for pet owners and highlighted the need for stricter regulations and better transparency within the industry.

The ongoing chicken jerky treat debacle

Another significant focus of the documentary is the ongoing issue of chicken jerky treats. Kohl contacted pet owners who had experienced the negative effects of these treats on their pets. The interviews shed light on the companies' disregard for consumer concerns and the lack of action in recalling potentially harmful products. This ongoing issue emphasizes the importance of understanding the potential risks associated with pet treats.

Interviews with pet owners affected by toxic treats

Kohl conducted interviews with pet owners whose pets became ill or died after consuming tainted jerky treats. These emotionally impactful interviews highlighted the devastating consequences of feeding pets contaminated products. The experiences shared by these pet owners reinforced the necessity for pet food companies to take responsibility and recall products that pose a risk to .

Failure of pet food companies to recall products

Despite reports of pets falling ill or dying from consuming specific pet treats, the documentary reveals the pet food companies' failure to recall these products. The reluctance of companies to address the issue and take action raises concerns about their accountability and commitment to consumer safety. This failure emphasizes the need for stricter regulations and oversight in the pet food industry.

When You Buy Pet Food, Are You Being Pet Fooled?

Uncomfortable Encounters with the Pet Food Industry

Meeting with the Pet Food Institute (PFI)

Kohl and Michael's encounter with the Pet Food Institute (PFI), a lobbying organization representing the pet food industry, proved to be uncomfortable. Initially, PFI approached the filmmakers, claiming to be affiliated with the industry and offering assistance. However, during a meeting with PFI representatives, Kohl and Michael discovered that the organization primarily represented the interests of pet food companies rather than consumers or pets.

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PFI’s affiliation with the pet food industry

The meeting with PFI exposed the organization's affiliation with the pet food industry, raising doubts about its objectivity and commitment to consumer interests. Their response to the chicken jerky treat issue demonstrated a dismissive attitude, denying the existence of a problem despite evidence suggesting otherwise. This encounter highlighted the industry's misleading and deceptive practices.

Brush-off response to the chicken jerky treat issue

During the meeting with PFI representatives, Kohl expressed his concerns about the detrimental effects of chicken jerky treats on pets. However, their response was dismissive, claiming that extensive testing throughout the years had not uncovered any issues. This response, given the evidence of harm caused by the treats, further showcased the industry's unwillingness to acknowledge and address consumer concerns.

Contrasting experiences with the FDA

Kohl's experience also involved interacting with the FDA. Contrasting their encounter with PFI, Kohl found the FDA to be more open and honest regarding the issues surrounding pet food. The agency acknowledged the existence of problems but admitted difficulties in obtaining the necessary proof. Despite this, the FDA's response was more cooperative and receptive compared to the pet food industry's dismissive attitude.

Deception and Misleading Practices of the Pet Food Industry

Compiling hours of footage into a coherent film

Creating “Pet Fooled” presented the challenge of organizing and condensing hours of footage into a cohesive film. The filmmakers aimed to create a documentary that was both informative and engaging, ensuring that the order of topics flowed logically and maintained viewer interest. The final film, totaling 71 minutes, aimed to provide viewers with a comprehensive understanding of the pet food industry.

Challenges in presenting information effectively

Effectively presenting the information gathered during the documentary's production was a crucial aspect of the filmmaking process. Kohl and Michael had to translate complex interviews and conversations into visuals that made sense to the audience. The challenge was to strike a balance between conveying the necessary information and ensuring that the documentary remained accessible and engaging.

The importance of questioning companies and government agencies

Throughout their journey, the filmmakers realized the importance of questioning the practices of both pet food companies and government agencies. As consumers, it is essential to hold these entities accountable and demand transparency. “Pet Fooled” aimed to encourage viewers to be more critical of the information provided by companies and government bodies, ensuring the well-being of their pets.

Difficulty in obtaining information about pet food

Kohl's experience highlighted the challenges pet owners face when seeking information about pet food. The lack of transparency from pet food companies makes it difficult for consumers to make informed choices about the products they purchase. This lack of readily available information increases the importance of independent research and encourages pet owners to become proactive in understanding the ingredients and potential risks associated with pet food.

When You Buy Pet Food, Are You Being Pet Fooled?

Where to Watch ‘Pet Fooled'

Producing the documentary on a shoestring budget

Despite the challenges faced by the filmmakers, “Pet Fooled” was produced on a shoestring budget. Kohl and Michael enlisted the help of friends and family to assist with various tasks, such as additional camera work. The rough-cut product was then presented to potential distributors, who provided the necessary funding to complete the project.

Availability on digital platforms and cable VOD providers

To ensure widespread access, “Pet Fooled” is available on most digital platforms, including iTunes, Hulu, Vimeo, and Xbox. It is also accessible through cable VOD providers such as Dish Network, Cox, Charter On Demand, and Verizon Fios. The filmmakers sought to make the documentary widely available to increase awareness about the pet food industry and empower consumers to make informed choices.

Resources to watch ‘Pet Fooled'

To watch “Pet Fooled” and learn more about the documentary, viewers can visit the film's website and Facebook page. It is available for purchase on several digital platforms, including iTunes, Vimeo, and Amazon.com. The extensive availability of the documentary aims to reach a broad audience and inform pet owners about the realities of the pet food industry.

In conclusion, “Pet Fooled” is a comprehensive documentary that sheds light on the pet food industry's practices and the challenges faced by pet owners in making informed choices. Through extensive research, interviews, and encounters with industry representatives, the documentary exposes the lack of honesty, transparency, and accountability within the industry. By watching “Pet Fooled,” viewers gain valuable insights into pet food recalls, ingredient challenges, and the misleading practices employed by pet food companies. The documentary serves as a call to action for pet owners to question the industry, demand transparency, and prioritize their pets' well-being.

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